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Coeliac Disease


Coeliac disease is a permanent autoimmune disorder where eating gluten causes damage to the small intestine. Symptoms are varied and can include diarrhoea, bloating, pain in the abdomen, and anaemia, amongst others. Experts estimate that around 1 in 100 people have coeliac disease but within those, only 30% or so are correctly diagnosed.

Gluten is a protein that is found in barley, rye, oats, and wheat (easily remembered as BROW). When people who are coeliac eat gluten, their body sends out an immune response that attacks the small intestine, causing damage to its lining which is where many nutrients are absorbed.

Coeliac disease runs in families and can develop at any age after people start eating gluten. If you have a close relative, such as a parent or sibling, who suffers from coeliac disease then there is around a 1 in 10 chance of developing the condition yourself.

Currently, the only treatment for coeliac disease is a lifelong gluten-free diet, which involves avoiding eating many common foods including traditional bread, beer, pasta, cereal, and biscuits.

To find out more about coeliac disease, head to https://healthify.nz/health-a-z/c/coeliac-disease/

If you experience any of these symptoms and think you may have coeliac disease, be sure to speak to your doctor.

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